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The Women Empowered in Construction (WEC)

The Women Empowered in Construction (WEC) project aims to empower women in the construction industry
across the Western Balkans and the European Union through innovative vocational education and training
(VET) programs. By addressing gender disparities and aligning with the priorities of the Torino Process of
adapting VET to labour market needs and increasing flexibility in vocational education, WEC seeks to enhance
the participation of women in construction, promote gender equality, and contribute to the sustainable
development of the industry in the region.


Project Objectives

The Women Empowered in Construction (WEC) project presents an opportunity to address these challenges
and promote positive change in the construction industry. By focusing on the following areas, WEC can make a
meaningful impact:

  • TAILORED VET PROGRAMS: Developing VET programs tailored to the needs of the construction
    industry in both the Western Balkans and the EU can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that graduates
    are equipped for employment.
  • GENDER MAINSTREAMING: Introducing gender mainstreaming initiatives within VET programs and
    construction companies can promote the inclusion of women in the industry. This aligns with the Torino
    Process’s emphasis on increasing the inclusivity of vocational education and training.
  • KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AND CAPACITY BUILDING: Facilitating knowledge transfer between EU
    member states and the Western Balkans can help improve vocational education systems and enhance the
    skills of educators and practitioners. Capacity-building initiatives should prioritize areas identified in the
    Torino Process as crucial for addressing labour market needs.
  • PROMOTING DIALOGUE: Supporting policy dialogue between stakeholders in the Western Balkans and
    the European Union can facilitate mutual learning and exchange of best practices. While policy change
    may not be guaranteed, fostering dialogue can lay the groundwork for future collaboration and alignment
    with EU standards.

Our Partners
