Training and Development at Future Cast
Future Cast is a leading national provider of training programmes for the Construction, Quarry industries together with their supply chains.
Our training programmes are designed to meet current and future needs of the Construction and Quarry sectors and are informed by workers on the ground and industry representatives. Our Education Centre provides a wide range of industry led programmes, with expert tutors sourced from relevant fields within the construction and quarry industries. Future Cast training courses are practical allowing learnings to be applied in real site settings.
We provide flexible delivery models to suit sector needs including face to face, online and hybrid, evening, and weekend delivery.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, improve, and distribute their products.
Future Cast’s vision is to help educate the Construction and Quarry sectors on business strategies, implementation, and the benefits of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Our programmes will help businesses get ahead of the curve and remain competitive.
Get BIM Certified with Future Cast
If you are looking to get a quick start on how to use Revit with BIM, Future Cast offers a range of training programmes from beginner to advanced on the whole range of Autodesk software. Our Platinum level Autodesk authorised partner provides online training on the full range of software including; AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit, Fusion 360 and Civil 3D.
“You can only learn so much from Revit books, sometimes you need to get into the weeds with an expert” – James
These training programmes are taught by experts with the most current industry knowledge of the software and trends in industry. Upon completion of the course the participant will have a deep understanding of the software and how to operate in a BIM environment with other teams.
The Industry 4.0 Skillnet
The Industry 4.0 Skillnet is a network of Irish based companies that have identified industry 4.0 as an area of interest.
This open network is free to join and allows members access to a range of subsidised training programmes, networking events, and early access to new training programmes.
Skillnet Ireland is a business support agency of the Government of Ireland, responsible for advancing the competitiveness, productivity and innovation of Irish businesses through enterprise-led workforce development.
Women in Construction and Quarrying Ireland (WICQI)
Our women in construction project seeks to build a better future together by diversifying and improving the construction site of the future to include more women. Creating an inclusive environment for a gender diverse construction site and quarry for the benefit of society as a whole and making construction a leader in gender equality in Ireland.
Future Cast want to create a scalable and sustainable framework for a diverse construction and quarrying workforce, specifically increase female participation and drive action behind conversation.
Through education and training programmes, we hope to create a cultural shift in attitudes towards women involved in construction and quarrying, develop and support career pathways for girls and women into construction and quarrying, normalise construction and quarrying as a career choice for girls and women, develop accessible educational programmes for all school goers and develop a pathway for career changers.
Our Other Educational Programmes
Do you need a bespoke training program for your company?
The team at Future Cast focusses on collaboration with industry.
If you have a problem or idea that you would like to work on with us, get in contact today.