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A Construction Innovation Centre for Ireland

Future Cast is an Innovation, Education, and R&D centre focussed on the Construction and Quarrying industries. We work with companies in these sectors and throughout their manufacturing supply chains on projects to increase the adoption of advanced technology and processes. We are a non-profit organisation with a remit to research and disseminate technologies in Industry 4.0 to our member companies. We help solve pressing issues with our accumulated knowledge and expertise in industries automation, innovation, and funding.

The Future Cast Construction Innovation centre

What We Do


We will meet with your company in your quarry, construction site or manufacturing facility to develop your innovation ideas. Our team will work with our academic partners, funding agencies and Future Cast technology team to develop a solution and deliverable road map for your project.


Education is the key to our success. We are living in an ever changing global world. Our companies need to up-skill their staff under Industry 4.0. Future Cast courses  cover the topics of robotics and cobotics, artificial intelligence, smart data, IOT development, software development, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D industry printing and Work place of the future 

Research and Development

Future Cast has a staff of academics and industry experts dedicated to developing the future methods of construction in Ireland and abroad. We work with industry and our links in academia to develop new techniques and technologies.

Women in Construction; a group created in the construction innovation centre

Women in Construction

Our women in construction project seeks to build a better future together by diversifying and improving the construction site of the future to include more women. Creating an inclusive environment for a gender diverse construction site and quarry for the benefit of society as a whole and making construction a leader in gender equality in Ireland.

Future Cast want to create a scalable and sustainable framework for a diverse construction and quarrying workforce, specifically increase female participation and drive action behind conversation.

Through education and training programmes, we hope to create a cultural shift in attitudes towards women involved in construction and quarrying, develop and support career pathways for girls and women into construction and quarrying, normalise construction and quarrying as a career choice for girls and women, develop accessible educational programmes for all school goers and develop a pathway for career changers.

The W8 Centre – Construction Innovation and Technology Centre

The W8 Centre is a regeneration project in North Leitrim. The Centre was an abandoned building on a derelict site until it was purchased  in 2014.

The W8 project began in March 2018. W8 now consists of 15 three bedroom holiday homes (Failte Ireland 4 star approved), an award winning Restaurant,  Conference rooms, Meeting rooms, 10,000 sq. ft of Office space, several small companies and hot desking facilities.

Future Cast is currently developing its Innovation, Education, and R&D Centre in the W8 centre. This will include educational equipment and courses on topics such as: robotics & cobotics, artificial intelligence, software development, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D industry printing and the work place of the future.   

construction innovation centre

<h2 style = “color:white;”>construction technology centre</h2>