European Projects
Together with our European partners, Future Cast is engaged in a range of projects throughout Europe
European Projects
Our recognised expertise and abilities in project management, innovation and engagement with private & public bodies led to Future Cast’s success in becoming a recognised partner in several cross European projects.
A snapshot of our EU projects
7 Ongoing EU Projects
14 Current EU Partners
16 Countries Covered
A few of the Projects we are currently working on
Project name:
The aim is to encourage young people’s participation in the democratic process and the development of society by encouraging debates regarding their connection with the great umbrella of the EU, with its democratic foundations and values. Cooperation within the project will promote structured transnational cooperation between EU member countries, aiming at strengthening a partnership focused on encouraging the responsible assumption of the role of active European citizens among young people.
The project aims to develop skills among young people from Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Ireland in the decision-making process and in particular the candidacy programme of future candidates for the European elections of 2024 and cooperating with them during the mandate in order to approach direct needs of young people.
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The identification of the invisible is a public policy problem which arises on a European scale. It got worse during the COVID period. The increase in the number of invisibles is one of the expected consequences of the COVID crisis. 23 of the 27 EU countries are seeing an increase in youth unemployment, with very marked differences between states. Spain is by far the country most affected by unemployment among the under-25s, which reached 41% of young people in June 2020, 21% in France, 28% in Italy. However, organizations have been working for years with these groups, such as the OIRD, based in the Molenbeek district of Brussels and which obtains excellent results when they develop projects based on the talents and know-how of young people.
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CCF seeks to forge an effective and replicable HEI led digital model for creative industries training and support in communities.
Creative Communities First (CCF) recognises the key role the creative economy has to play in regenerating Europe post COVID as it straddles economic, social, cultural and technological issues and is at the crossroads of the arts, business and technology.
CCF is also mindful of the transformational power of higher education institutions and new partnership formats as engines of social mobility, innovation and equality of opportunity.
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The future of the construction industry in the EU is threatened by a chronic labour shortage exacerbated by the COVID crisis. The shortage of construction workers in the EU is expected to increase in the future due to a declining population and an ageing workforce
FEMCON will develop innovative vocational education & training that will assist women working in or considering a career in construction industry to progress to visible roles within the industry.
Project name:
WICEPs-Women in Construction: empowering skills and presence in the 3D Construction Industry.
This small-scale partnership funded through Erasmus+ seeks to promote the presence of women in the 3D construction industry and increase their number in the field by promoting the professional development of adult trainers from partner entities and other construction industry stakeholders, promoting self-training of women interested and in need of 3D construction skills and digital skills, sharing knowledge about 3D job opportunities, and promoting diversity in the 3D construction field.